Thursday, March 7, 2024

St Alice

 Feast Day: June 15

Saint Alice, also known as Alice of Schaerbeek, (Adelaide, or Aleydis), Alice the Leper, Sint Aleydis, or Sainte Alix, was a 13th-century Christian saint and a member of the Cistercian Order. Her life, marked by illness and spiritual resilience, has been a source of inspiration for many in the Christian tradition.

Here's a brief biography:

Early Life

Birth: Saint Alice was born in the early 1200s in Schaerbeek, near Brussels, in what is now Belgium.

Background: Little is known about her family or early childhood.

Religious Life

Entry into Religious Life: At a young age, Alice entered a Cistercian monastery in La Cambre, Belgium. This decision might have been influenced by her desire for a spiritual life or by her family.

Spiritual Commitment: In the monastery, she dedicated herself to a life of prayer, contemplation, and service.

Illness and Suffering

Onset of Leprosy: At a young age, Alice was afflicted with leprosy. This disease was highly stigmatized at the time, often leading to isolation.

Her illness resulted in physical suffering, including the loss of her sight and eventual paralysis. Despite these challenges, she continued her spiritual practices.

Spiritual Insights: Her illness became a significant part of her spiritual journey, teaching her deep empathy and compassion for others who suffer.

Legacy: Saint Alice is often invoked by those suffering from blindness, paralysis, and other illnesses.

Death and Legacy

Saint Alice died at a young age. The exact year of her death is uncertain, but it is believed to be in the mid-13th century.


Saint Alice is known as the patron saint of the blind and paralyzed, a role that reflects her own struggles with blindness and paralysis due to leprosy.

She is also venerated by those suffering from illnesses or disabilities, especially those affecting the skin.


"O Holy Saint Alice, who in your earthly life bore the burdens of illness with patience and grace, hear our prayers. In your compassion, intercede for us with God, that we may find strength in our own trials and tribulations. Guide those who are afflicted, especially the blind and paralyzed, with your gentle spirit. May we learn from your example to embrace our sufferings with faith and to find in them a deeper union with Christ. Amen."


Reflect on the life of Saint Alice as a testament to the power of faith in the face of adversity. Her acceptance of suffering as a part of her spiritual journey reminds us that our trials can lead to spiritual growth. Let her life be a source of inspiration and courage, especially when we encounter our own challenges and hardships.

Saint Alice's story is a powerful example of unwavering faith and serves as a reminder of the strength that can be found in vulnerability and trust in God's plan.

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